Friday, August 3, 2007

WOS: The FIlm...

Most of the following will be old ravings I've carried over from my myspace account, the most read being my ramblings about Paris Hilton and Akon (the last few post) but in the meantime you can enjoy my film "Wages of Sin" until I get all this stuff bought over. I hope you enjoy my "chopsocky" grade B-actioner.

The Film is Finished (Originally posted Tuesday, December 12, 2006)

We have completed our second feature "Wages of Sin". I would like to think all the cast and crew that helped out. We put a lot of time and energy into it. I would like to send an extra special thanks out to Shawn Bernal, Tonee Dang and Wendy Valasso who made the last two shooting days extra pleasant. Thank you all. We will try to have the post done on this by Feb 07, but no promises. As soon as we're done you'll know it here first.

This all start out as nothing but a fantasy of doing a low budget action film with some fun martial arts and stuff in it, but what we got is a lot of new friends and we got to have a lot of fun and eat a ton of "Got Pizza" in the process (not mention spend a lot of money we don't really have) so it's been a blast. I hope to be back here soon with more info.


Wages of Sin almost done... (Originally Posted Friday, October 27, 2006)

We start this project in June of this year and it's taken far longer than I expected or wanted, but it's even better than I imagined so far and we've gotten much co-operation. What I wanted was an ultra low budget action with a decent story and all fights, no car chases, explosions or wire tricks.We understood our budget and how to make the best of it. First we had to get professional actors and that started with CiCi Foster, Felicia Danisor, Mike Armon, Tonee Dang (who also appears in JR2's film "The Wait") and our stable guys Michael MacRae and Glenn Dhont.

I started with a single goal, good versus evil in an urban martial arts smack down. I'd do my own fights and stunts not to mention all the choreo so fights turned out the way I wanted to see them, broken down eighties style with a modern chop socky twist moving along in a video game fashion, no fight in the same place, escalating to a crescendo. I threw in a few gun battles but I mainly wanted to keep it martial arts oriented. We made some great discoveries along the way like an incredible fighter by the name of Brian Kung not to mention Bob, Kevin and a "gaggle" of stunt people willing put the smack down and be smacked down for this film. It's a great experience that will be over probably by next month.

Right now we are getting ready to do a fight scene tomorrow with Riti Madugula. This will be her last scene and we'll be wrapping on her then if all goes well by next week we'll have the opening witness protection scene done. I've uploaded some stuff to if you're interested including a 30 second fight, (just search on there for Nathyn Brendan Masters) so I hope to come back here tomorrow with good news. Peace out.


What is Free Speech? (Originally posted on Wednesday, May 09, 2007 on MySpace)

Just because you actually woke up during one of your history classes and heard something doesn't mean you know what it means. I'm so sick of asshats screaming about their free speech. The problem is it never comes up normally unless someone wants to do something wrong or illegal. Let's define freedom of speech in a way a fifth grader could understand. Freedom of speech means, the GOVERNMENT (Congress) doesn't have the right to censor speech including art or entertainment. This isn't rocket science.

What this does NOT mean:

1. THIS DOES NOT MEAN: People, local governments (obscenity laws) or private industry can't censor you in regards to them or their work. When you are on a forum such as or or whatever place that has a privately owned forum and has rules in place that forum has every right to censor you if you break rules/laws. People who make DVDs including HD-DVD have every right to protect their material for thieves. I know people want to burn DVD's or what have you to other media but some in our society have proven themselves untrustworthy so big industries don't want to take the hit.

2. THIS DOES NOT MEAN: The government can't make laws governing types of speaking (such as not yelling fire in a crowded theater or saying you have a bomb on a plane or making an age limit for pornography or movies).

3. THIS DOES NOT MEAN or IMPLY: The right to be heard. If no cares about what you're saying you don't have the right to force them to care.

4. THIS DOES NOT MEAN or IMPLY: Because you want to hear/see music or a film that you have the right to do so without buying it nor does it mean you have the right to make these things available to the public for free.

First let me say this, I have no problem with DMR nor do I have a problem with non DRM-based content as I myself don't use DRM. As a creator of digital content it is my right to say who I wish to distribute my content. I get paid for my content. What that means is I put blood sweat and tears into my projects and for this one I went into debt. I have bills to pay and all that good stuff. And while everyone has probably downloaded or watched something for free on the web, used a cracked program, burned a CD for a friend, watched a DVD with friends or sat in front of youtube all day and watched clips of the MadTV or the Catherine Tate show (Tate's my favorite) fact of the matter is it is wrong to upload content that is made to be sold, to the web or anywhere so it can be stolen. It is wrong to publish coding the show people how to break the law then get mad when a company enforces their policies against illegal activity. Oh you didn't read the policies before you signed up right. Most forums don't allow you to violate the law. (You know who I'm talking too).

As a content provider I've offered everything from freebies (opening my site so my film can be downloaded for free for an hour or so at at time) to .99¢ sales. But sadly there is a segment of our society that feels people shouldn't profit from their work. Now I know something about human nature. People who do certain bad things will utterly set out to destroy you if you do it to them. Since these asshats exist we have DRM which wouldn't exist if these people didn't exist. So all the people who hate DRM many of them are the cause of DRM. See big companies don't stay in business if everyone steals their stuff. You like Spiderman 3? There won't be a Spiderman 4 if everyone steals Spiderman 3. Because it won't make money therefore is of no use to the company to make another.

Basically what I'm saying, realize this, the world doesn't revolve around you. You're a small cog in a squeaky machine. Hollywood nor the music industry makes anything for you, they make stuff to make money. I honestly believe Hollywood has disdain for the average fan, but that's another story. I don't know why this racks anyone's mind.

I know one of the big problems is price. When people feel something is out of their price range they feel if they can get it free they steal it. What I and people like Brian Andrews at and others are trying to do is sale content at a price open to everyone. We've been relatively successful. I'm still in debt but I'm making the payments, no millions yet and Brian's site is live and open for business and doing okay. I still offer DVDs for $12 - $19.95 (two disc set) if you want extras and such but for the most part there are several very inexpensive alternatives including iPod, PSP downloads and Apple TV/Quicktime downloads that can played on a monitor (see or

But I really felt the need to clear the air about this "FREEDOM of SPEECH" silliness people like to talk about. If you don't know about it don't talk about it. Now I know there will be argument on this so to nip that in the bud right now:

Amendment 1: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

The keyword here is "Congress" shall make no law...

Got it? Good. What's really sad is most people have never read (or don't remember) the first Amendment. It's people like Kevin Rose over at has to be under fire for making the right decision to remove coding that will help people break laws. He did the right thing, but to keep his community alive he now has to backtrack and simply accept possible problems, lawsuits, etc occur. We all want to use and such but we don't seem to give a rats ass about the people who make these FREE services available for us. If there is a decline in service at Digg or in services like those who caused the problem will be the first to want to act a fool as to why the site is shut down/sold out etc or not responding as it use to.

The stupidity, selfishness and general willful maliciousness of our human race doesn't even shock me anymore.


By the way, I know Digg is a digital democracy (as someone reminded me on another forum) but pure democracy doesn't work (hence: America is a democratic republic) because of things just like this. It's too bad too because I'm somewhat new to Digg and to see it so suddenly crumbling because of this is sad. Seemed like it could've been a lot fun.


Akon "Rape" simulation: Verizon Drops A-hole er I mean Akon... (Orignally posted Monday, May 07, 2007 on MySpace)

If you haven't seen it then here it is for you: Akon simulating sex/rape (you be the judge) on a 15 year old girl. Yep, the American media won't/haven't covered it but you'll be hearing about it soon enough because we've already started hearing about Verizon dropping him. Yes, corporate America is growing some frigging nads.

What's great about this is how Akon manages to make African Americans, Americans (in general) and the whole hip hop community look like crap. Good work Akon. The Hip Hop community has been making itself look like crap for years by selling out to corporate America, who will not let conscience hip-hop or anything other than coon rap hit our ears or television stations. Well you know what, I hope more stuff like this happens so the current rap community can be destroyed, then it can rebuild with better talent. Remember when Public Enemy was getting people all up in arms because of their political messages. Whether you agreed or not it was still intelligent rap. Remember the poetry of PM Dawn? Remember when rappers talked about self destruction in the African American community. Thanks to corporate America that type of stuff has been effectively shut down.

Now let's be real, Ms. Alleyne isn't totally innocent. From his videos, songs and shows we generally know what Akon is all about, and she was underage sneaking into an adult night club to see him, I won't be strumming too big of a violin for her as she simply bit off more than she expected to chew. We all know Akon ain't "DC Talk" so lets not be naive, but obviously Akon went way too far.

But this all works out because she's the daughter of a powerful person and when she says "This whole Hip-hop thing is a guise and I don't want any part of it." Her words may hold weight. Maybe it will catch on. A lot of young women are choosing to not be a part of this type of hip-hop and Ms. Alleyne is right. This current Hip-Hop is a sham. Maybe people will wake up. If record labels and big companies start losing money because of this type of stuff maybe things will change and they'll stop promoting it.

Another thing, I have to give props to that conservative cutie Michelle Malkin for, if nothing else, pointing out how the media has been all smiles at this guys music. Sure it sounds good but has anyone took a look at the lyrics. And before you all jump up my butt ask yourself would you want your daughter on that stage? It may be fine for Tara Reid, she's grown and we all know what she's about and her and Akon make a perfect fit but come on, can we for a moment be honest and say that something about what Akon did to Ms. Alleyne at the least just doesn't feel right. Goes a little beyond bad judgement considering this type of thing is generally part of his show (see Tara Reid). Well that's all for me. BTW here's the actual story.


Additional: I mentioned Christian pop group DC talk. They do rock, hip hop, and all kinds of other music. Now MTV and everyone in the media says that the only thing that will sale is Akon's brand of music (be it hip-hop rock or whatever). That's odd considering the fact it doesn't sale because they don't want it too; case in point: DC Talk's "Jesus Freak" was an openly Christian song from an openly Christian band. The song sold millions of copies after their video aired on MTV. Guess what, to my knowledge, MTV never played another DC Talk video again. I'm saying this only to say look how something so dramatically different sold. So don't believe them. It's just another of Hollywood's lies people, like "African Americans don't sale overseas" which would mean all those Wesley Snipes straight to DVD movies are bankrupting the company (these films make a huge chunk of change overseas). America's entertainment industry is giving you what they want you to have and you simply take it.


Send Paris Hilton to Jail... ( Originally posted: Tuesday, June 05, 2007)

Send Paris Hilton to Jail...

Do not sign any petitions to "free Paris Hilton". Do you guys remember what the initial arrest was that kicked this thing off? DUI. If she had killed someone on the road then it would've been a horrible incident (just like Virginia Tech where people dropped so many balls and others ended up paying the price) and Paris' money can't raise the dead can it? She's still showing us that she believes she should be above the law. Please don't let this woman walk. It's only 45 days for goodness sakes and not even that. It won't kill the girl and she'll probably get pref. treatment anyway so don't be afraid to let her go to jail. Look at it like this, if she does go her next album can be a hardcore rap album. She'll be in good company with all the other fake gangsters, and eventually you may even soon be able to add her to the list of white chicks who like to throw up gang signs in photos. And she can even do a song featuring Akon as they rap about prison life and the hard times they had growing up in the ghetto.

Don't think I particularly dislike Paris Hilton or have anything against rich people, I don't. I wouldn't mind being rich and even having some of those nice perks. What I do have a problem with is people with butt-loads of money getting off with things normal people would go to jail for. What I mean is this; the woman was proven guilty. You can't say it was her evil twin driving the car and we know she did the crime so how does Ms. Hilton figure she shouldn't go to jail.

She knows she's guilty, but this is the choice. Paris gets out, does this again and kills someone (because drunk drivers usually don't kill themselves only others) and goes to jail for years (unless the family can "make it disappear") or maybe prison time will change her if she gets around some female knuckle draggers. Maybe she'll see what life on the other side is like for a change.

Paris was born rich, so it's all she seems to know. Her only reason for believing she shouldn't go is she just doesn't want to go. If Martha Stewart did jail time for something no one (including me) believed she should have served time for this broad should go for something we all know she should go for. Stewart was no threat to anyone, Hilton is. Let's be real, Hilton will probably die young anyway if she doesn't change her ways and so will some of her friends, but that's their choice, not ours, let's teach her she's not above the law. If she drives drunk she should go down for DUI (the worse offense) and if she's violating the terms of her probation by repeatedly driving with a suspended license then shouldn't she go to jail. Hasn't she gotten more chances than the average person? Well, I'm done. Don't forget to check WOS when you get a chance. The movie's hot!
