Friday, August 3, 2007

Akon "Rape" simulation: Verizon Drops A-hole er I mean Akon... (Orignally posted Monday, May 07, 2007 on MySpace)

If you haven't seen it then here it is for you: Akon simulating sex/rape (you be the judge) on a 15 year old girl. Yep, the American media won't/haven't covered it but you'll be hearing about it soon enough because we've already started hearing about Verizon dropping him. Yes, corporate America is growing some frigging nads.

What's great about this is how Akon manages to make African Americans, Americans (in general) and the whole hip hop community look like crap. Good work Akon. The Hip Hop community has been making itself look like crap for years by selling out to corporate America, who will not let conscience hip-hop or anything other than coon rap hit our ears or television stations. Well you know what, I hope more stuff like this happens so the current rap community can be destroyed, then it can rebuild with better talent. Remember when Public Enemy was getting people all up in arms because of their political messages. Whether you agreed or not it was still intelligent rap. Remember the poetry of PM Dawn? Remember when rappers talked about self destruction in the African American community. Thanks to corporate America that type of stuff has been effectively shut down.

Now let's be real, Ms. Alleyne isn't totally innocent. From his videos, songs and shows we generally know what Akon is all about, and she was underage sneaking into an adult night club to see him, I won't be strumming too big of a violin for her as she simply bit off more than she expected to chew. We all know Akon ain't "DC Talk" so lets not be naive, but obviously Akon went way too far.

But this all works out because she's the daughter of a powerful person and when she says "This whole Hip-hop thing is a guise and I don't want any part of it." Her words may hold weight. Maybe it will catch on. A lot of young women are choosing to not be a part of this type of hip-hop and Ms. Alleyne is right. This current Hip-Hop is a sham. Maybe people will wake up. If record labels and big companies start losing money because of this type of stuff maybe things will change and they'll stop promoting it.

Another thing, I have to give props to that conservative cutie Michelle Malkin for, if nothing else, pointing out how the media has been all smiles at this guys music. Sure it sounds good but has anyone took a look at the lyrics. And before you all jump up my butt ask yourself would you want your daughter on that stage? It may be fine for Tara Reid, she's grown and we all know what she's about and her and Akon make a perfect fit but come on, can we for a moment be honest and say that something about what Akon did to Ms. Alleyne at the least just doesn't feel right. Goes a little beyond bad judgement considering this type of thing is generally part of his show (see Tara Reid). Well that's all for me. BTW here's the actual story.


Additional: I mentioned Christian pop group DC talk. They do rock, hip hop, and all kinds of other music. Now MTV and everyone in the media says that the only thing that will sale is Akon's brand of music (be it hip-hop rock or whatever). That's odd considering the fact it doesn't sale because they don't want it too; case in point: DC Talk's "Jesus Freak" was an openly Christian song from an openly Christian band. The song sold millions of copies after their video aired on MTV. Guess what, to my knowledge, MTV never played another DC Talk video again. I'm saying this only to say look how something so dramatically different sold. So don't believe them. It's just another of Hollywood's lies people, like "African Americans don't sale overseas" which would mean all those Wesley Snipes straight to DVD movies are bankrupting the company (these films make a huge chunk of change overseas). America's entertainment industry is giving you what they want you to have and you simply take it.


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