Friday, August 3, 2007

Send Paris Hilton to Jail... ( Originally posted: Tuesday, June 05, 2007)

Send Paris Hilton to Jail...

Do not sign any petitions to "free Paris Hilton". Do you guys remember what the initial arrest was that kicked this thing off? DUI. If she had killed someone on the road then it would've been a horrible incident (just like Virginia Tech where people dropped so many balls and others ended up paying the price) and Paris' money can't raise the dead can it? She's still showing us that she believes she should be above the law. Please don't let this woman walk. It's only 45 days for goodness sakes and not even that. It won't kill the girl and she'll probably get pref. treatment anyway so don't be afraid to let her go to jail. Look at it like this, if she does go her next album can be a hardcore rap album. She'll be in good company with all the other fake gangsters, and eventually you may even soon be able to add her to the list of white chicks who like to throw up gang signs in photos. And she can even do a song featuring Akon as they rap about prison life and the hard times they had growing up in the ghetto.

Don't think I particularly dislike Paris Hilton or have anything against rich people, I don't. I wouldn't mind being rich and even having some of those nice perks. What I do have a problem with is people with butt-loads of money getting off with things normal people would go to jail for. What I mean is this; the woman was proven guilty. You can't say it was her evil twin driving the car and we know she did the crime so how does Ms. Hilton figure she shouldn't go to jail.

She knows she's guilty, but this is the choice. Paris gets out, does this again and kills someone (because drunk drivers usually don't kill themselves only others) and goes to jail for years (unless the family can "make it disappear") or maybe prison time will change her if she gets around some female knuckle draggers. Maybe she'll see what life on the other side is like for a change.

Paris was born rich, so it's all she seems to know. Her only reason for believing she shouldn't go is she just doesn't want to go. If Martha Stewart did jail time for something no one (including me) believed she should have served time for this broad should go for something we all know she should go for. Stewart was no threat to anyone, Hilton is. Let's be real, Hilton will probably die young anyway if she doesn't change her ways and so will some of her friends, but that's their choice, not ours, let's teach her she's not above the law. If she drives drunk she should go down for DUI (the worse offense) and if she's violating the terms of her probation by repeatedly driving with a suspended license then shouldn't she go to jail. Hasn't she gotten more chances than the average person? Well, I'm done. Don't forget to check WOS when you get a chance. The movie's hot!


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